2005 互動影像裝置(電腦、電漿電視或單槍投影機)、電腦數位攝影 530×600×330cm或大小依場地而定
Interactive video (computer, plasma TV or projector), Digital C type photographs, 530×600×330cm, or depends on the place of exhibition


如紅毛猩猩的重複嘔吐/攝食(R&R, regurgitation and reingestion)的自我刺激行為(self stimulation),是在野地裡的紅毛猩猩所未曾發生的。而刻板行為(Stereotypic Behavior)的產生,也是應對於缺乏競逐、覓食的圈養環境,所產生動物行為的儀式化(become ritualized)。「非擬人動物故事」這件作品的拍攝過程,我目睹了有R&R現象的紅毛猩猩,長達30分鐘以上的將頭低下至地板,並謹慎的重覆進行嘔吐而後食入食靡的行為表徵;老虎不斷重複的成8字型緩慢行走的刻版行為;馬來熊焦躁的重複性來回跳動;獼猴大力頓足並咬傷自己的自我刺激…


People have long objected to children's books based on Disney cartoons and Aesop's fables that excessively personify animals and distort their natural behavior. Nevertheless, the confining environments humans have made to hold captive animals are writing new animal stories.

For instance, orangutans' self stimulation via repeated regurgitation and reingestion ("R&R") never occurs in the wild. Stereotypic Behavior often arises in captive animals because the cage environment, where the need to compete and forage for food is absent, leads to the ritualization of animal behavior. In the process of photographing the work "Non-personified Animal Story," I witnessed an orangutan in the midst of R&R: The orangutan kept its head bent to the floor for over 30 minutes, and it cautiously, repeatedly vomited and ate its own semi-digested vomit. A tiger displayed stereotypic behavior consisting of walking slowly in a figure-eight over and over again. A Malay sun bear repeatedly jumped back and forth in a restless manner. A Macaque monkey stamped its feet hard and bit itself in a form of self-stimulation…

The work " An Animal Story of Non-Anthropomorphism " attempts to tell the distressing story of "excessive contact" and "poor communication" between humans and animals.

Academic Instruction: Pingtung Rescue Center for Endangered Wild Animals, Pingtung University
Digital Technical Collaboration: Irvin Lin

參展紀錄 Recording of display

2005 「潮間帶藝術偵測站-2005年年度計畫」,高雄市立美術館,台灣


2005 Intertidal Zone Art Monitoring Station -- Annual Project for 2005, , Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan.

2014 Commemorative Exhibition of Hsu Su-chen, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

典藏紀錄 Works in Collections


Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan

... 偽科幻小說-非擬人動物故事-作品裝置說明

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